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Setting up vim-gpg plugin

From FSCI Wiki
Revision as of 14:18, 25 October 2021 by Mdb571 (talk | contribs) (Add steps for setting up vim-gpg plugin)
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vim-gpg plugin allows transparent editing for files encrypted using GPG .Those who are new to GPG can follow this guide.

1) Install vim using your package manager (Those who prefer the GUI way of doing things can use vim-gtk3).

  sudo apt install vim 


  sudo apt install vim-gtk3

2) Install vim-gpg plugin .There are 2 ways you can do this:-

2a) If you are on a debian based distro. There is a package called `vim-scripts` that already has this plugin. So installing this package would make things a lot easier
  sudo apt install vim-scripts
Now add the line "packadd! gnupg" to your ~/.vimrc
  echo "packadd! gnupg" >> ~/.vimrc
That's it ! Now you can open your gpg encrypted file using vim and it will ask for your passphrase.
2b) You can use Vim's package support to contain the plugin in its own directory.
  mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
  cd ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
  git clone
Vim will find and load everything on its own, without mixing the files with others.